Thursday 22 September 2011

Bassoons and other 'b's

How exciting!  I'm just listening to the latest version of Catherine's song 'Differently' and it sounds fabulous. It features the bassoon! Now this is the first time we've ever used bassoon on a song and it's truly wicked.  Comically appealing.  My creative juices are now in full flow and I'm feeling all inspired to write a flute part for it.

And the bassoon fits neatly into the theme of the week. You see, my youngest daughter is doing the letter 'b' at school and we've got to think of loads of words beginning with that letter.  She's also got to draw pictures of things beginning with 'b'.  Though I'm not sure her artistic skills are up to drawing a bassoon, mine certainly aren't.    I think we'll go 'banana', yeah - much easier.  I did fail my GCSE art exam after all!

And for my sins I'm helping out on a school trip tomorrow.  'Why?' I hear you cry.  Why indeed.  Probably because I am slightly mad - indeed I know this to be the case as I will be forfeiting a nice cuppa and a brand new episode of 'Homes under the Hammer'.  Life is hard.

But on the plus side, I am really looking forward to a wedding this weekend which will see the Key Largo Trio girls (O.K - 'ladies'.  I guess since I'll be forty next year I can no longer even vaguely be called a 'girl'. (Am in denial!)) reunited  for the first time since Rachel's wedding.  She's back from a rather exotic honeymoon in Cuba and Catherine is also about to go exploring, embarking on a visit to Nepal where she'll be living and working in the local communities .  And me?  Well there'll be the school run and visits to Sainsburys.  And if I'm lucky a trip to 'Pets at Home' to re-stock on guinea pig supplies.   Mmmm - not got quite the same ring to it, has it???

Still - on the plus side, that thought leaves me with lots more 'b' words:  bland; boring;  banal.

Ha!  Every cloud...