Wednesday 9 January 2013

Moons, Memories and Mattresses

 Before Christmas I was in a most ethereal mood.  And it was in that mood that inspiration struck for a new song - Man on the Moon.

It was the end of a long day and I was lying in bed imagining myself reposing upon a rather beautiful, fairy tale type bed on a mattress of hand teased horse hair.  The mattress also contained real Shetland Isle wool, cashmere and mohair (oh sorry, getting a bit carried away with the mattress thing but there's a slight issue going on about that in my life at the moment.  You see I'm hoping for a nice new mattress and have been sourcing all these natural, really luxurious, decadent ones.  However the husband says our basic synthetic Bensons Beds model is perfectly fine!  What!)

But ahem, anyway, there I am on this bed of pure luxury, wearing acres of voile and tulle; (got to be in something romantically fabulous, M&S pyjamas really don't evoke the right mood!) and long diaphanous, gauzy curtains are blowing in the gentle breeze that dances in through the open window.  In the dramatic, cloudless sky I can see the most amazing full moon that seems to have a face etched in it's surface so lifelike that it is silently beckoning me.

Suddenly,  I am flying through the air. In the song that is.  Not real life. Just to clarify.  I don't want you to think I'm 'on' anything,  although I can confess to a sherry too many over the festive period!)

But back to the song.  So as well as all that ethereal, other worldly magic in my head, I also remembered a more real incident in my life.  It was a story my Nan told me many years ago.  Her husband, my grandfather had died that very day and we were walking with her that dark winters night to visit some other relatives.  'Don't worry' she said to me, pointing at the moon.  'Your papa is up there on the moon. Look - you can see his face.'

And I could. I swear I could.

So there you are.  That's where my head was at when this song floated into my brain and into my fingers.

And here it is.  Man On The Moon.  I hope you like it and I can't tell you how excited I am about recording it this year for a new EP Catherine and I will be releasing under the band name Vesper Walk.

Happy New Year everyone and let it be great.  Let it be the year we are creatively inspired, prolifically writing and hey, please let it be the year that I get my new horse hair mattress.  Hand teased don't forget.

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